
What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting is a therapy technique where you focus your eyes on a specific point to help your brain process and heal from emotional challenges or traumatic experiences. It’s like using your eyes to unlock and release difficult feelings.

Brainspotting incorporates mindfulness-based principles.

Similar to meditation and mindfulness, brainspotting involves focused attention, present moment awareness, non-judgmental observation, body-mind connection, somatic awareness, reduced reactivity, and integration that leads to self-regulation.

It works like this…

You focus your eyes on a particular spot, which helps your brain pay attention to the parts that you don’t usually think about.

This can bring up emotions and memories that you might not even realize were bothering you.

Unlike regular talking therapy, Brainspotting uses nonverbal ways of processing, like feelings, and sensations that might not have words.

It is believed that Brainspotting also does something in your brain’s, emotional center, like releasing built-up emotions, and helping you heal from trauma.

The counselor helps you find brain spots where you feel things in your body. The spots could be related to hidden feelings and trauma. By focusing on the spots, your brain can process and heal from tough memories and emotions.

The goal is to make your brain release, emotional weight and heal without needing to talk about everything or relive bad events.